Funding Sources

Current Grant and Research Contract Support

  1. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, T32GM145445, 7/1/2023-6/30/2028. Graduate Training in the Pharmacological Sciences. Role: Co-I (Randy Hall, PI). Direct Cost: $2,019,760 Total Cost: $2,122,140. This is a new graduate student training grant for PhD students enrolled in the Molecular and Systems Pharmacology Program at Emory University. 
  2. GEORGIA RESEARCH ALLIANCE PHASE 1A and 1B AWARDS, 04/1/2023-03/1/2024. Inhibitors of Atopic Dermatitis Skin Inflammation. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $50,000 . Total Cost: $50,000. This project aims to examine botanical inhibitors of skin inflammation in atopic dermatitis. 
  3. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, T34GM149511, 5/18/2023-5/17/2028. MARC at Emory University. Role: MPI. Direct Cost: $1,643,600 Total Cost: $1,723,890. This is a new Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) to support undergraduate training at Emory University. The proposed MARC T34 adds innovative components focused on providing undergraduate students with inquiry-based research experiences and an inclusive, supportive community so they can complete their baccalaureate degree, transition into, and complete biomedical, research-focused higher degree programs (e.g., PhD or MD/PhD). Research training opportunities at Emory include a broad array of biomedical, public health, and other STEM disciplines.
  4. NATIONAL ECZEMA ASSOCIATION, 1/1/2023-12/31/2023. Botanical-derived small molecules to target staphylococcal cytotoxins in atopic dermatitis. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $100,000 Total Cost: $100,000. The goal of this project is to examine the response of staphylococcal isolates from atopic dermatitis patients to quorum sensing inhibitors and to evaluate how modulation of the secretome determines outcomes in a murine model of AD.
  5. PEACHTREE GARDEN CLUB COMMUNITY FUND, 8/15/2022-8/14/2023. Emory Herbarium Collections Project. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $10,000 Total Cost: $10,000. The goal of this project is to support expansion of the herbarium collections and educational outreach initiatives in the community.
  6. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, R01AT011990 5/6/2022-5/5/2027. Development and validation of a high-throughput MicroED-driven platform technology for natural product discovery. Role: Contact MPI. Direct Cost: $2,721,527 Total Cost: $3,164,415. We propose development and optimization of a micro-crystal electron diffraction platform technology for high-throughput compound identification with nanogram quantities of analytes found in natural mixtures.

Completed Grant and Research Contract Support

  1. EMORY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COMMITTEE-HALLE INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL RESEARCH AWARD, 6/1/2022-5/31/2023 Targeting ESKAPE pathogens with Egyptian medicinal plants. Role: PI, Direct Cost: $30,000 Total Cost: $30,000. The goal of this study is to work with local partners in Egypt at Heliopolis University to collect medicinal plants for extraction and antimicrobial evaluation against ESKAPE pathogens.
  2. U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID), PARTNERSHIPS FOR ENHANCED ENGAGEMENT IN RESEARCH (PEER) PROGRAM, 3/1/2021-2/28/2023. Phytochemical, biological and toxicological evaluation of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) from populations growing wild in Kosovo. Role: Co-I, U.S. Government Supported Partner (PI: Prof. Avni Hajdari, University of Prishtina). Direct Cost: $150,000 Total Cost: $150,000. The goal of this study is to evaluate the genetic and chemical variability of Kosovar wild hops by integrating tools from multiple disciplines (genetics, phytochemistry, botany) to offer a unique opportunity to foster the sustainable use of natural resources in the Balkans.
  3. EMORY UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AND EXCELLENCE, PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP ADVANCEMENT FUND, 4/15/2022-4/14/2023. Development of a website platform for educational outreach. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $2,500 Total Cost: $2,500. The aim of this project is to work with a web design architect to optimize the functionality and reach of my public engagement website (
  4. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH R21AT011105, 8/2020-7/2022. Preclinical evaluation of dietary botanical natural products for drug interactions. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $275,000 Total Cost: $429,000. The goal of this study is to identify and characterize natural product inhibitors that interact with key drug metabolizing enzymes.
  5. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH R21AT010774, 10/2019-9/2021. Mechanistic studies on analgesic effects of terpene enriched extracts from hops. Role: Contact PI (MPI grant). Direct Cost: $394,686 Total Cost: $483,446. Discovery of non-opiate analgesics is urgently needed to provide patients with non-addictive medicines to the management of pain. Terpenes are a class of natural compounds produced by plants that may provide a solution. In this study, together with MPI Dr. Isaac Chiu of Harvard University, we will investigate the analgesic effects of terpenes from hops in inflammatory and neuropathic pain.
  6. MARCUS FOUNDATION, 9/2020-8/2021. Investigation of Medicinal Plants for COVID-19. Role PI. Direct Cost: $262,878. Total Cost: $289,276. This study aims to screen a large library of botanical extracts and natural products to identify putative candidates against SARS-CoV-2 using in vitro assays to assess safety and efficacy in blocking viral entry. Botanicals used in the commercial dietary supplement market will be prioritized for testing and lead extracts will be subjected to chemical characterization studies.
  7. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT R21 AI136563, 5/2018-5/2021. Novel compounds from botanical innovation yields Acinetobacter treatments. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $275,000. Total Cost: $433,356. The goal of this study is to identify and characterize natural product inhibitors of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.
  8. WINSHIP MELANOMA FUND. 02/2019-1/2020. Isolation and characterization of novel therapeutics targeting melanoma. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $45,455, Total Cost: $50,000. The goal of this project is to isolate and determine the structure of natural products with specific activity against melanoma cell lines from a medicinal plant species.
  9. THE COCA COLA COMPANY, 06/2018-04/2019. Identify new natural ingredients from flora indigenous to the Southeast USA. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $250,100. Total Cost: $370,411. The goal of this research contract is to collect, extract and chemically characterize new botanical chemical matter for new compound discovery by mass spectrometry.
  10. THE COCA COLA COMPANY. 07/2018-09/2018. Generate peak libraries in process to isolate and identify new natural ingredients from select flora. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $11,778. Total Cost: $18,374. The goal of this research contract is to generate a peak library of natural product extracts for the discovery of new taste modifiers.
  11. THE COCA COLA COMPANY, 09/2017-04/2018. Accessing edible plants for the discovery of new natural sweeteners. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $135,296. Total Cost: $208,262. The goal of this research contract was to explore the chemical space of the Quave Natural Products Library for new chemical matter of relevance to human taste perception.
  12. NATUREX, 05/2017-10/2017. Anti-biofilm potential of cranberry extract formulations. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $17,986. Total Cost: $25,000. The goal of this research contract was to assess the anti-biofilm activity of Naturex proprietary formulas.
  13. EMORY UNIVERSITY RESEARCH COMMITTEE GRANT, 05/2017-04/2018. Investigation into the antibacterial potential of medicinal plants of the Aegadian Islands, Italy. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $30,000. Total Cost: $30,000. The goal of this study is to document the ethnobotanical practices of the Aegadian Islands and to examine the antibacterial activity of medicinal plants used locally for the management of infection.
  14. WINSHIP INVEST$ AWARD – MELANOMA INNOVATION FUND, 07/2016-06/2017. Development of a novel discovery platform for melanoma therapeutics. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $45,455. Total Cost: $50,000. The goal of this project was develop a high throughput drug discovery platform for the identification of novel natural product leads with activity against melanoma cancer lines.
  15. EMORY UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY, 2016.Green lab incentives program. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $2,363. Total Cost: $2,363. The goal of this project was to improve sustainable use of space and power in the Quave Research Group laboratories.
  16. EMORY UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF HUMAN HEALTH, 03/2016. Florida botanical expedition. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $2,100. Total Cost: $2,100.These funds supported the expense of student participation in a plant collecting expedition in Florida.
  17.  [ANONYMOUS] FOUNDATION, 07/2014-06/2018. Revitalization of the Emory University Herbarium. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $250,000. Total Cost: $250,000.The goal of this project was to reopen the Emory Herbarium, organize, annotate and digitize a collection of >20,000 specimens for public viewing access via the SERNEC platform.
  18. BIONORICA SE, 02/2014-01/2015. Botanical natural product inhibitors of acne. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $68,500. Total Cost: $68,500. The goal of this research contract was to identify inhibitors of Propionibacterium acnes growth and biofilm formation from a portion of the Quave Natural Products Library.
  19. GEORGIA RESEARCH ALLIANCE PHASE 1A and 1B AWARDS, 05/2013-05/2014. Anti-infectives for Companion Animals. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $50,000. Total Cost: $50,000. The goal of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of an anti-biofilm formulation active against staphylococci and streptococci.
  20. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT R01 AT007052, 7/2012-6/2017. Mechanistic Studies on Staphylococcal Quorum Quenching Natural Products. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $1,250,000. Total Cost: $1,868,392. The goal of this study was to identify natural product inhibitors of staphylococcal virulence and to design new tools for the study of quorum sensing mechanisms.
  21. ARKANSAS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AUTHORITY, 2010. Technology Assistance Transfer Assistance Program. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $3,750. Total Cost: $3,750. The goal of this project was to gain training in the launch of a technology startup company (PhytoTEK LLC).
  22. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT F32 AT005040, 01/2009-07/2011. Anti-biofilm activity of white horehound extract in catheter-associated infection. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $160,776.Total Cost: $160,776. The goal of this training grant was to develop in depth skills in biofilm studies and to assess the anti-biofilm potential of plant natural products in Staphylococcus aureus.
  23. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT F31 AT004288, 07/2007-12/2008. Anti-pathogenic activity of natural products from plants against MRSA. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $67,799. Total Cost: $67,799. The goal of this training grant was to develop skills in pharmacognosy and antimicrobial assays, as to assess the anti-pathogenesis properties of plant natural products.
  24. ANNE S. CHATHAM FELLOWSHIP IN MEDICINAL BOTANY, GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA, 2007. Anti-pathogenic Activity of Natural Products from Italian Medicinal Plants against MRSA. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $4,000. Total Cost: $4,000. The goal of this grant was to evaluate the biological activity of medicinal plants in antibacterial models for MRSA.
  25. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT R25, 1/2007-6/2007. RISE Biomedical Research Initiative, Role: Trainee. Direct Cost (to support stipend): $23,000. The goal of this grant was to support trainees at a majority underrepresented minority institution.
  26. BOTANY IN ACTION, PHIPP’S CONSERVATORY & BOTANICAL GARDENS, 2006-2008. Ethnopharmacology of traditional medicines for the skin. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $9,000. Total Cost: $9,000. The goal of this grant was to support ethnobotanical field research for the completion of my dissertation.
  27. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GRANT, 01/2006-12/2006. Agroecology of South Italian medicinal plants. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $2,000. Total Cost: $2,000. The goal of this field study was to assess the agroecology of medicinal plant cultivation and wild collection in Italy.
  28. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH GRANT T32 AT001060, 08/2003-12/2006. Training in Alternative Tropical Botanical Medicine. Role: Trainee. The goal of this grant (PI: Bennett) was to support a training program in tropical ethnobotany and complementary medicine.
  29. THE FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND DISABILITY, 03/2001-06/2001. Ethnobotany of ethnic Albanians in Italy. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $1,000. Total Cost: $1,000. The goal of this field study was to document traditional ecological knowledge of plant use in ethnic Albanian communities of Lucania, Italy.
  30. THE NATIONAL KAPPA ALPHA THETA FOUNDATION, 03/2001-06/2001. Ethnomedical practices of ethnic Albanians in Italy. Role: PI. Direct Cost: $1,800. Total Cost: $1,800. The goal of this field study was to document traditional medicinal practices of ethnic Albanian communities of Lucania, Italy.
  31. EMORY COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS PROGRAM, 2000. Ethnobotany field research in Peru. Direct Cost: $2,951. Total Cost: $2,951.The goal of this field study was to investigate health consequences of displacement of traditional medicine with Western medicine in rural Amazonia.

Grant Support to Quave Research Group Trainees

  1. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, NATIONAL CENTER FOR COMPLEMENTARY AND INTEGRATIVE HEALTH, F31AT012140-01, 9/01/2022-8/31/2025. Pre-doctoral training grant. Student Trainee: William Crandall My role: Doctoral dissertation mentor. Grant PI: William Crandall. Project title: “Contributions of Host and Gut Microbial Mediated Metabolism to the Antiviral Activity of Elderberry”. Total Amount: $140,256
  2. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH,  NATIONAL CENTER FOR COMPLEMENTARY AND INTEGRATIVE HEALTH, F31AT011988, 4/2022-12/2024. Pre-doctoral training grant. Student Trainee: Caitlin Risener  Quave role: Doctoral dissertation mentor. Grant PI: Caitlin Risener. Project title: “Exploring the Potential of Natural Products to Combat COVID-19” Total Amount: $131,649
  3. GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA ANNE S. CHATHAM FELLOWSHIP IN MEDICINAL BOTANY, 2022. Graduate Research Grant. Student Trainee: Caitlin Risener    My role: Doctoral dissertation mentor    Grant PI: Caitlin Risener. This national award is given to one graduate student each year. It awards $4500 to support student research on medicinal plants.
  4. GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA ZELLER SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP IN MEDICINAL BOTANY, 2022. Undergraduate Research Training. Student Trainee: Matthew Menkart My role: Faculty Mentor       Grant PI: Matthew Menkart. This national award is given to one undergraduate student each year. It supports a student stipend and living expenses for a period of summer research on a topic concerning medicinal plants ($3,000).
  5. MARGARITA SALAS FELLOWSHIPS, 2021-2022. Post-doctoral Training Grant. Trainee: Airy Gras, Bio.D./Ph.D. Quave role: Faculty mentor. Grant PI: A. Gras. Spanish fellowship to train young doctors in Spanish public universities, foreign universities or research centers, or in Spanish public research organisms by means of subsidizing them for two continuous years. The first year training of the PI developed in Emory University to incorporate chemistry skills to link ethnobotanical data with plant chemistry.
  6. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 5T32GM008602-25, 2021-2022. Graduate Training in the Pharmacological Sciences. Student Trainee: William Crandall My role: Faculty Co-Advisor Grant PI: Randy Hall. This competitive training support covers the student stipend, fees, and some research expenses for a 1-year training period.
  7. GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA ZELLER SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP IN MEDICINAL BOTANY, 2021. Undergraduate Research Training. Student Trainee: Emily Edwards.  Quave role: Faculty Mentor       Grant PI: Emily Edwards. This national award is given to one undergraduate student each year. It supports a student stipend and living expenses for a period of summer research on a topic concerning medicinal plants ($3,000).
  8. JONES CENTER AT ICHAUWAY GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP, 2020-2023. Pre-doctoral Training Grant. Trainee: Lewis Marquez (Ph.D. Candidate). Quave role: Doctoral dissertation mentor. Grant PI: Lewis Marquez. Support for his doctoral training and tuition expenses from 9/1/2020-12/31/2023, totaling $146,007. His research project is focused on the evaluation of medicinal plants in the SE USA for antifungal properties against pathogenic Candida species.
  9. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH T32-GM008602, 2019-2020. Graduate Training in the Pharmacological Sciences. Student Trainee: Caitlin Risener Quave role: Faculty Advisor, Grant PI: Randy Hall. This competitive training support covers the student stipend, fees, and some research expenses for a 1 year training period.
  10. MEDICINES TRAVEL AWARD FOR POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWS, 2019. Post-doctoral Training Grant. Trainee: Francois Chassagne, Pharm.D./Ph.D. Quave role: Faculty mentor. Grant PI: Francois Chassagne. This internationally competitive travel award (one awardee selected out of 38 applicants) to participate in an international conference of choice for his field. Dr. Chassagne used these funds to present his research at the Phytochemical Society of Europe meeting in Lisbon, Portugal in 2019.
  11. GARDEN CLUB OF AMERICA ZELLER SUMMER SCHOLARSHIP IN MEDICINAL BOTANY, 2018. Undergraduate Research Training Student Trainee: Kat Bagger. Quave role: Faculty Mentor            Grant PI: Kat Bagger. This national award is given to one undergraduate student each year. It supports a student stipend and living expenses for a period of summer research on a topic concerning medicinal plants.
  12. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH T32 GM008602, 2017-2018. Graduate Training in the Pharmacological Sciences Student Trainee: Akram Salam. Quave role: Faculty Advisor. Grant PI: Randy Hall. This competitive training support covers the student stipend, fees, and some research expenses for a 1 year training period.