New Paper on Bioactivity of St. John’s Wort

Take a look at our latest article on the anti-infective properties of traditinal medicinal preparations. Here, we provide an example of traditional knowledge demonstrating sophisticated competence: harnessing a powerful plant while excluding a negative side-effect. This article is available by open access, free to view or download at the link…

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Paper featured in a News and Views commentary in Nature Plants

Our recent paper on ethnobotanical knowledge as a source of resilience for food security and health strategies in the Balkans was featured in a News and Views piece in Nature Plants this week! The commentary was authored by Drs. Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana and Manuel J. Macía and titled: “The benefits of…

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Blog piece on our ethnobotanical research int he Balkans

Check out this new blog piece on our work! Here is an excerpt quote in the piece: “A lot of international attention has been focused on the Balkans to try to support reconciliation and development. If you really want to help local communities in a way that’s sustainable and culturally…

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New research article on ethnobotany, food security and resilience in the Balkans

We are excited to announce the release of a new research article from our work in the Balkans with collaborator Dr. Andrea Pieroni of the University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy). The article can be accessed at the Nature Plants Website: Quave, C.L. and A. Pieroni. (2015). A reservoir of…

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New book on Ethnobotany in the Balkans!

Hot off the presses: Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Development and Reconciliation Edited by:  Andrea Pieroni and Cassandra Quave   The E-book can be ordered at the Springer site. Print copies are available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

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New paper out on ethnobotany in the Balkans

A new paper by Pieroni and colleagues explores Macedonian and Albanian traditional knowledge concerning local plants: Pieroni, A., K. Cianfaglione, A. Nedelcheva, A. Hajdari, B. Mustafa and C.L. Quave (2014). Resilience at the border: traditional botanical knowledge among Macedonians and Albanians living in Gollobordo, Eastern Albania. Journal of Ethnobiology and…

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New paper by Quave & Pieroni out on Food Security in the Balkans

Our new paper on ethnozymology and food security in the Balkans is out! You can read the full article here. Quave, C.L. and A. Pieroni (2014) Fermented foods for food sovereignty and food security in the Balkans: A case study of the Gorani people of northeastern Albania. Journal of Ethnobiology…

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