New Paper on Bioactivity of St. John’s Wort

Take a look at our latest article on the anti-infective properties of traditinal medicinal preparations. Here, we provide an example of traditional knowledge demonstrating sophisticated competence: harnessing a powerful plant while excluding a negative side-effect. This article is available by open access, free to view or download at the link…

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New paper on Juniper chemistry

New publication in Chemistry and Biodiversity with collaborators in Kosovo: Hadjari, A., B. Mustafa, D. Nebija, E. Miftari, C.L. Quave, J. Novak. (2015) Chemical composition of Juniperus communis L. cone essential oil and its variability among wild populations in Kosovo. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 12: 1706–1717. doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201400439 Abstract Ripe…

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New paper comparing folk plant uses in Kosovo

I’m excited to announce that our new paper with European collaborators has just been published in the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine!  The research article, titled “A cross-cultural comparison of folk plant uses among Albanians, Bosniaks, Gorani and Turks living in south Kosovo” by Behxhet Mustafa, Avni Hajdari, Andrea Pieroni,…

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New book on Ethnobotany in the Balkans!

Hot off the presses: Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Development and Reconciliation Edited by:  Andrea Pieroni and Cassandra Quave   The E-book can be ordered at the Springer site. Print copies are available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

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New paper out on the medical ethnobotany of the Albanian Alps

A provisional PDF of a new paper co-authored by Quave and colleagues entitled “Medical ethnobotany of the Albanian Alps in Kosovo” was released today in the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. This paper documents the study of medicinal plants used in Alpine communities Albanian of Kosovo. The uses of 98…

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