Quave Lab Schedule at ASM Microbe Conference

Quave Lab is presenting at ASM Microbe – come see us! Saturday, 6/9/18, 11am-1pm in building B poster hall: Jubilee Park presenting her work on resistance modifying agents for Acinetobacter baumannii at Poster 787 Sunday, 6/10/18, 12:45-1:30 pm in the Exhibit and Poster hall, Building B – 369. Dr. Quave…

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New paper on anti-virulence activity of Peppertree

Our latest work on botanical inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing is out today in the Nature journal, Scientific Reports. “Virulence inhibitors from Brazilian Peppertree block quorum sensing and abate dermonecrosis in skin infection models” is available by open access. Abstract: Widespread antibiotic resistance is on the rise and current therapies…

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Quave Lab to present at upcoming ICSB/ASP meeting

We have two exciting presentations that will be given at the upcoming 16th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals and the 5th Interim American Society of Pharmacognosy Meeting in Oxford, MS this April! Quave, C.L. (2016) Answering the call to arms: Tools for assessing the anti-infective potential…

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Our work on Chestnut and MRSA featured in BioTechniques

Excerpt from the piece: Cutting Off Communication Researchers have found a plant extract that halts Staphylococcus aureus infections without promoting resistance. Will this lead to a new way to treat bacterial infections? Read more… http://www.biotechniques.com/news/Cutting-Off-Communication/biotechniques-360385.html#.VfGkmfm2Vsv

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More press links on paper showing how Sweet Chestnut disarms MRSA

We are so excited to have had press coverage on our most recent collaborative paper with the Horswill group! Stay tuned to our Twitter feed (@QuaveEthnobot) for news on the discovery. The full original article is available free via Open Access at PLoS ONE. Here are some links to the…

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New paper reviews state-of-the-art tools for anti-virulence drug discovery in staph!

Flipping the switch: tools for detecting small molecule inhibitors of staphylococcal virulence Drs. Quave and Horswill have co-authored a review on different laboratory tools and approaches that can be used to detect small molecule inhibitors of Staphylococcus aureus virulence. Virulence inhibitors could be used in the future as adjuvants to…

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