Paper featured in a News and Views commentary in Nature Plants

Our recent paper on ethnobotanical knowledge as a source of resilience for food security and health strategies in the Balkans was featured in a News and Views piece in Nature Plants this week! The commentary was authored by Drs. Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana and Manuel J. Macía and titled: “The benefits of traditional knowledge”. It can be accessed here:

Here is an excerpt from the commentary:

“Studies such as Quave and Pieroni’s can help to integrate traditional local knowledge with efforts to conserve biocultural diversity. By focusing on the point of view of people who are or have been deeply dependent on their local resources, these studies can promote culturally appropriate, sustainable development strategies.”

Here is a link to the original article:

Quave, C.L. and A. Pieroni. (2015). A reservoir of ethnobotanical knowledge informs resilient food security and health strategies in the Balkans. Nature Plants DOI: 10.1038/NPLANTS.2014.21 View at Nature Plants