Dr. Quave to Speak on CAM panel at TEDMEDLive on 11/22

Panel Discussion: Eastern and Western Medicine Interest in the role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Use in the U.S. has grown rapidly in recent years. CAM is often used in conjunction with biomedicine, and encompasses a spectrum of therapies, including: meditation, herbal medicine, religiosity, and integrative pain management. In…

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Our work on Chestnut and MRSA featured in BioTechniques

Excerpt from the piece: Cutting Off Communication Researchers have found a plant extract that halts Staphylococcus aureus infections without promoting resistance. Will this lead to a new way to treat bacterial infections? Read more… http://www.biotechniques.com/news/Cutting-Off-Communication/biotechniques-360385.html#.VfGkmfm2Vsv

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More press links on paper showing how Sweet Chestnut disarms MRSA

We are so excited to have had press coverage on our most recent collaborative paper with the Horswill group! Stay tuned to our Twitter feed (@QuaveEthnobot) for news on the discovery. The full original article is available free via Open Access at PLoS ONE. Here are some links to the…

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New publication on MRSA in PLOS ONE

A new publication is out on a collaborative project between the Quave Lab (Emory University) and Horswill Lab (University of Iowa). Their latest study reports on the anti-virulence activity of compounds from Chestnut leaves. The extract blocks virulence by switching off the pathways necessary for the production of toxins. The…

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8/17: Quave to speak at Georgia Herbalists Guild

Topic: Medical ethnobotany and the discovery of new drugs for antibiotic resistant infections Dr. Quave will tell the story of how her research group has discovered new leads for antibiotic adjuvants, from field research documenting the traditional use of these plants in topical therapeutics for skin infections, to the laboratory…

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July 17th Keynote Lecture at UIC in Chicago, IL

Dr. Quave is honored to be delivering the keynote lecture at the 2015 Atkins Medicinal Garden Walk and Lecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy on July 17th! Guided tours of the gardens will be offered by UIC’s ethnobotanists. The Lecture will be held at noon.…

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Traditional medicine for animals: a new paper on ethnoveterinary medicine in Transylvania

I’m excited to announce that a paper with collaborators in Hungary has been published in the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. The research article, titled “Ethnoveterinary practices of Covasna County, Transylvania, Romania“, addresses the interesting topic of folk practices associated with ethnoveterinary medicine. Ethnoveterinary medicine is perhaps best described as…

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New paper comparing folk plant uses in Kosovo

I’m excited to announce that our new paper with European collaborators has just been published in the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine!  The research article, titled “A cross-cultural comparison of folk plant uses among Albanians, Bosniaks, Gorani and Turks living in south Kosovo” by Behxhet Mustafa, Avni Hajdari, Andrea Pieroni,…

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