New paper out on ethnobotany in the Balkans

A new paper by Pieroni and colleagues explores Macedonian and Albanian traditional knowledge concerning local plants: Pieroni, A., K. Cianfaglione, A. Nedelcheva, A. Hajdari, B. Mustafa and C.L. Quave (2014). Resilience at the border: traditional botanical knowledge among Macedonians and Albanians living in Gollobordo, Eastern Albania. Journal of Ethnobiology and…

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New publication on plant use in the Balkans

A new paper has been published on the knowledge and use of plants (esp. for medicine) in Albania, near the Macedonian border: Pieroni, A., A. Nedelcheva, A. Hadjari, B. Mustafa, B. Scaltriti, K. Cianfaglione, and C. L. Quave. (2014). Local knowledge on plants and domestic remedies in the mountain villages…

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