New paper on marine natural products

Our latest work in collaboration with Julia Kubanek’s group of the Georgia Institute of Technology has just been published in the Journal of Organic Chemistry: Lavoie, S., D. Brumley, T.S. Alexander, C. Jasmin, F.A. Carranza, K. Nelson, C.L. Quave, and J. Kubanek. (2017) Iodinated meroditerpenes from a red alga Callophycus…

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Quave receives grant from University Research Committee

Dr. Quave has received a grant in the amount of $30,000 from the Emory University Research Committee to support her fieldwork this summer in Sicily on the project: “Investigation into the antibacterial potential of medicinal plants of the Aegadian Islands, Italy“. Working with collaborators at the University of Palermo and…

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Quave Lab featured in new Nat Geo Channel show on 3/13

Tune in to the National Geographic Channel on Monday, March 13th at 9pm EST to catch Episode 2 of the new series “Origins: The Journey of Humankind”. The Quave Lab is featured in the medicine episode “Cheating Death“. We’ll also hold a screening of the show, followed by Q&A with…

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New paper on anti-virulence activity of Peppertree

Our latest work on botanical inhibitors of bacterial quorum sensing is out today in the Nature journal, Scientific Reports. “Virulence inhibitors from Brazilian Peppertree block quorum sensing and abate dermonecrosis in skin infection models” is available by open access. Abstract: Widespread antibiotic resistance is on the rise and current therapies…

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Quave to give talk to GA ACS 1/24 – open to public, register now!

Join me for a fun evening of scientific discussion, drinks and buffet dinner with the Georgia Chapter of the American Chemical Society. I’ll be giving a fun lecture on my lab’s work entitled “Medical Ethnobotany and the Discovery of New Drugs for Antibiotic Resistant Infections”.  The event will be held…

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New book chapter: Antibiotics from nature

Dr. Quave has published a chapter in the new volume by the World Alliance Against Antibiotic Resistance: Quave, C.L. Antibiotics from nature: Traditional medicine as a source of new solutions for combating antimicrobial resistance. AMR Control 2016: Overcoming Global Antimicrobial Resistance. World Alliance Against Antibiotic Resistance Abstract: Plants have…

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